michaela baker

Peace out, junior year.


I am officially a senior in college. I really can’t believe three years of my college career are over. To top off my junior year, I actually finished the semester with all A’s. Hello President’s List, finally! This semester was the hardest and busiest yet so I am happy for it to be over. I decided to do a spring recap to show all of the creative projects I worked on in the last five months. It was a lot, but I thought documenting my work from the semester would be fun to do and have as a memory.

Emerson for Treasurer
I helped design a campaign for Emerson Odagis, one of the candidates for USC’s Student Body Treasurer: logos, social media graphics and anything else he needed. There actually ended up being a runoff but he won in the end! I can say I designed a winning campaign. 



Carolina Command Center
This was a huge project I worked on for the College of Information and Communications. I made graphics and a video to advertise the center to potential donors. These were all used on USC’s Giving Day. The campaign was successful as more than $234,000 was raised for the center.



Advanced Photography Class
Advanced Photography is a required class for my major with a bunch of different photo projects through the semester. Here you will see sports, fashion, lighting and feature photos.



Final Project – Cockapella Photo Story
Our final project for advanced photography is to capture something and tell a story with audio. I covered the Cockapella Spring Concert.

You can view the video here.

Studio Lighting Class
All of these photos show lighting in a different way. From studio lighting, portrait lighting and location lighting.



Final Series
This was the final project for the Studio Lighting class. I created this spread from scratch. All photos were done by me, and I even wrote the story. I loved how this project turned out.



Flood of 2015 Documentary
I was in a special topics class where the sole assignment was to create a documentary. The class was funded off of a grant from the Watson-Brown Foundation. My group made a documentary on the Flood of 2015. It was a lot of work, but we are all happy with how it turned out in the end. This was a huge project, and I’m happy with how it turned out.

You can view the documentary here.

Great Gamecock Design Challenge
This was my most recent freelance project—it just happened last week! I helped make  the graphics for the Great Gamecock Design Challenge. I also covered the event all last week. You can see one short video of it below.



Whew! If you’ve made it this far then I applaud you. This semester—as you can probably tell—was super busy. Although this post has a lot of my projects, this isn’t even all of them. I am constantly working on one project or another—but I wouldn’t change a thing.

Exciting news is that I start my summer internship tomorrow! I will be a Creative Intern at Softdocs in Columbia. I can’t wait to learn and grow from this experience.

