About Me



My name is Michaela Baker and I’m a junior at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina. I’m majoring in visual communications.

A little background on me:

I was involved with journalism throughout high school, but when I got to college I knew I didn’t want to be on TV, so I decided to major in visual communications. I know your next question is, “What is visual communications?

I like to think of vis comm as a mixture of all majors in the journalism school. It doesn’t focus on one thing; it focuses on everything. We study photography, design and writing. I love it because I’m improving skills in so many different areas.

People’s next question is usually, “What do you want to do with that major?”

For the longest time I had no idea. I usually just shrugged the question off and mumbled something about design. Now I know what I want to do with my future, and it’s the reason for the revamping of this blog.

I would love to work for a beauty corporation… or someplace cool.

I love all thing beauty and design so I’m combing my two loves. This means I could work for a makeup company creating logos or managing its website. I could design monthly beauty subscription service boxes or even create the look and feel of an annual beauty conference. I love big companies so I would love to work for one. I say “cool” in the fact that when I tell people where I’ll be interning or working I want to hear “Oh, that’s cool!”.

I know, I know. These are big goals but I am so passionate about this.

Ultimately, when I am applying for jobs, I hope I’ll have a portfolio full of designs showing my skills but also have this blog to show my passion for the industry.

So that is where I hope to go, here is more about who I am now.

I work as an assistant to the webmaster at the College of Information and Communications. We’re responsible for maintaining the college’s website and updating it regularly. I write, design, and take photos on a daily basis. Working in the web office is always an amazing adventure.

I’m also a Resident Mentor at Women’s Quad at USC. I oversee 24 freshmen ladies. I love all my residents and this job. It’s tough sometimes, but at the end of the day I can see I’m making difference in their lives.

If you want to see more of my professional work, check out my resume.

In my free time I enjoy working, watching beauty YouTube videos, working out or likely eating something unhealthy for me. My favorite people in the world are my twin sister Kathryn and my brother Zac. My favorite non-human is my dog, Leah. My favorite restaurant is Taco Bell, my favorite color is blue and I believe one can never have enough coffee.

If you want to know more about my life, follow me on social media. I post about more than just blog topics, so let’s connect! Twitter: @Michaela_Baker
Instagram: michaelajbaker

If you want to get in touch, feel free to contact me via social media or you can find my email at the bottom of the blog. I would love to chat about sponsorships, products or life in general!


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