Visual Diary

Visual Diary – April 25, 2018
Post 11 – The Final Diary
We made it. A whole semester of blogging about photos, creative processes and more. I have honestly enjoyed thinking outside of the box and blogging about my creative processes. I really like planning out my series on the blog so when it is completely finished I will be able to see it from start to finish.

I think I am going to begin adding creative posts into my blog more often. They are fun to write and show a different side of my hobbies and passions. I can’t wait to finish my final series and it will for sure be posted her.

Visual Diary – April 18, 2018
Post 10 – Strobe Lighting Setup
I found a cool website! Its called Strobox. You can basically search through photos and see how the photo was lit. You can search fashion, food, outdoors and even search the type of light. I used this tool when I shot fashion photos this weekend. I tried some different setups and this really helped. I like this website because it has lots of pictures and setups in one place so I’m not aimlessly searching the internet.

Another awesome feature of the site is you can create your own lighting diagram. This could be really useful in tracking how photos were lit or just for fun. You can access that feature under the create tab. It is such a fun feature.

Check out the site here:

Visual Diary – April 11, 2018
Post 9 – Makeup Lighting
I started to read up about how to shoot makeup and faces. I read this article by Master Beauty Photography. They go through what the model used for makeup and showed a behind the scenes look at the shoot. The most helpful tidbit I found was how the lighting was set up for the close up makeup shot. This is one I want to do for my final series so I am glad to have this reference.

Screen Shot 2018-04-11 at 12.02.07 AM.png

I hope to replicate what they did with the white background for one of my models. This will give me a clean close up shot. I will be referring back to this image for help.

Visual Diary – April 4, 2018
Post 8 – First shoot for my final series


I did it! I’ve started shooting for my final series. Obviously, I love all things beauty and makeup so shooting these was so fun. I turned on music, got in the photo zone and fired away. It was fun to stage the products in different ways. I tried to get a variety of shots so when I am working on my final design I have options.

I am excited to begin editing these photos and continue to plan for my series. Next, I plan to shoot someone wearing a spring/summer makeup look or someone in a fun pastel outfit. I know I want to get close ups of makeup but also a fashion piece that ties the photos all together. As you can tell I am going for a pink/pastel theme. I hope to incorporate this throughout the spread.

Visual Diary – March 28, 2018
Post 7 – Final Series Inspiration
I am starting to plan out my shoots for my final series. My idea is to do a spread showing the spring and summer beauty trends. In my mind this will be a bright spread which will incorporate beauty, fashion and nature components. I started a Pinterest board for inspiration and thought to share it for my visual diary. I also found a Cosmo article detailing beauty trends for 2018. You can see there are a lot of pops of color in the photo gallery. I have a big vision for the spread and I am getting excited to execute it. Hopefully with proper planning I will be set.

Here’s my Pinterest Inspo Board:

Visual Diary – March 21, 2018
Post 6 – Tips for taking group portraits
I’m beginning to think about what I want to shoot for the group portrait assignment. I actually plan on doing it this week due to time constraints. I started to google and found this good read about photographing groups. It was specifically talking about wedding photography but I think they can be perfectly applied to our assignment. The tips were:
1. Talk to the bride and groom before the wedding
2. Help subjects relax
3. Make a good use of maid of honor.. and/or second shooter
4. Spot a good location with great light
5. Be ready to take a photo-journalistic approach
6. Go from large to small
The transition from photographing a product to a person to three can be tricky. Those who have never photographed more than one person would find this article very helpful. Sometimes as a photographer you have to be “human” too. Find your light side and a way to connect with the people you are photographing.

Visual Diary – March 14, 2018
Post 5 – Getty Images Power of Visual Representation

Getty Images is making some big changes. I just got back from attending SXSW with the College of Information and Communications. I learned so much and am truly honored that I was chosen to go. I knew I would find something interesting to share with Jour 450 and I did. I attended a session about Visual Representation. It was a panel that featured Pam Grossman, the Director of Visual Trends for Getty Images. Pam shared that Getty Images is actively trying to work on their representation. They are on a mission to produce real yet stunning images. They want to stray away from staged images and move to images that capture life, for everyone. Above are pictures from the session.
I encourage everyone to check out the website they are adding these images to. It has a lot of cool stories and background information. There are a lot of new collections they are trying to add to.

I thought this session was really cool. It is inspiring to see a huge company try to make this change. They are doing a great job so far.

Visual Diary – March 7, 2018
Post 4 – Playing with lights


For my Jour 447 class we have a location lighting project due. My professor was very vague in what he wanted and said just to get creative with it. I decided to light with fairy lights and I shot my friend Tierney Acosta.
These photos are unedited but I am going to take them into Photoshop to tweak the colors some before turning them in. I thought these were fun to do. I searched Pinterest for photos with light and tried shots out. I love gaining inspiration on Pinterest because there is so much content!
Overall, I’m excited to edit these photos. They are different from anything I’ve ever done. I don’t know if they will be something I put in my portfolio but they gave me good experience shooting with low light.

Visual Diary – February 28, 2018
Post 3 – Playing with gels



Last weekend I worked on my next Jour 450 project which is studio portraits. I photographed my friend Karie Grace. Karie Grace is minoring in retail so we took photos with the project in mind but also she was able to style herself the way she wanted. She is excited to use these photos for her own personal website. The photos for this posts are ones I thought were cool that may or may not make the final cut. You will see how I set the lights and gels up originally and then how the colors changed with the different poses and lighting.
I thought these photos was interesting. I really liked how the background changed colors. I also loved the silhouetted images. Karie Grace had fun in the studio and she loved the colored background. Her favorite color is pink so she really liked how the pink looked. You can’t see it too well in the photos but she is also wearing pink pants and lipstick to match the background. I am excited to cull through these for my project.

Visual Diary – February 19, 2018
Post 2


I took this picture in the Spring of 2016. It was a assignment for my Journalism 203 class. We had to photograph someone and use these photos in a spread. One of my friends, Jessica Muscella, down the hall danced with a professional ballet company so I asked if she would be willing to put on her pointe shoes for a photoshoot. She was more than willing to help. We started taking pictures in my room but then I wanted some more natural light. In my residence hall there are huge windows so I asked if she would be okay with getting in one. The rest is history. I started shooting and I was so amazed. This photo was 100% done with natural light and I think that is the strongest element to the photo. The light highlights her legs and face beautifully. I love sharing this photo because I think it is just visually simple but beautiful. She loved the way it looked too.

Visual Diary – February 14
Post 1 is from my home page.

This Visual Diary page is made for my Studio and Location Lighting for Still Photography (Journalism 450) class at the University of South Carolina. Posts will be made weekly about photography or creative processes. 