Valentine’s Day date under $30

lifeI hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day yesterday!

Today, I’m showing you what my boyfriend, Collyn, and I did for Valentine’s Day.

Our date was under $30, and we had so much fun. It mainly involved food but it just goes to show that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to have full bellies and full hearts.

Collyn and I started a tradition of eating Valentine’s dinner at Waffle House last year. Going out for Valentine’s Day can be such a hassle! Between long wait times and spending a lot of money, we said two years ago next year we were just going to go to simple, so we did! We love breakfast food and it really is a cheap date. I don’t mind because at the end of the date my belly is still full and I’ve had a great time with my sweetie.

After being full of waffles, we headed on over to Krispy Kreme. Is there anything better than picking out hot-and-ready doughnuts?

Nope I couldn’t think of anything either. Aren’t the doughnuts the CUTEST this time of year? We finish off our date night by successfully putting ourselves in a sugar coma.

After dinner we headed back to his apartment to exchange gifts. Gifts are totally optional on Valentine’s Day, and this year we decided we were going to get each other cheesy gifts from the Valentine section.

I got Collyn chocolates that have a pizza on the box (who doesn’t love pizza??) that says “Have a slice of my heart” and a cute mug with a dinosaur in it. He has a strange fascination with dinos so I thought this was perfect.

Collyn got me a stuffed Dalmatian holding a balloon saying “You’re Kinda Pawesome.” He knows I love dogs, so this was adorable to me. Under the balloon is also chocolate. Who doesn’t love chocolate?

These gifts were so fun and didn’t break the bank but again are totally optional.

Overall, we spent about $30 for the dinner and donuts. If you want to include both gifts it brings the total to about $50. If you think about it, a nice dinner out can be close to $50 alone and we got dinner, dessert and gifts for that amount.

It’s fun doing these dates because they don’t hurt our college-student wallets.

We love doing going on cheap dates, whether it is going to a college sporting event (that are free for us), going to see a movie with a student discount or even just going out for dessert. Mixing up date night can be so much fun!

I hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day. Do you have any fun dates you want to share? If so, leave them in the comments! I love getting new date ideas. Talk to you next week!


P.S. I hope you are enjoying the mix of posts I’ve done! If you have any posts you want to see feel free to leave them in the comments or share the idea on my Facebook page. I would love to hear from you.

One thought on “Valentine’s Day date under $30

  1. Too cute! ❤️❤️❤️ Cheap date… Picnic at the park with KFC in your basket… Or even cheaper Taco Bell! Hike… Listen to a band or after the sun goes down lay on a blanket and check out the stars! ⭐️🌟💫

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