Today I choose JOY



Today, I choose joy.

I choose happiness. Peace. Love and contentment.

Today, and everyday, we should choose joy.

My name is Michaela JOY Baker, and it only seems appropriate to choose joy but it wasn’t always something that came easy to me.

Back in high school I vividly remember getting bogged down on the little things time and time again. In 2013 I set my New Year’s Resolution to be a positive person—to find the light in every dark situation.

From that moment on when I caught myself in a time of disappointment, I reminded myself to find a good thing within the day, week or sometimes month.

This works wonders in my life. I vividly remember becoming positive and thinking happy thoughts when bad ones were creeping in.

If you know me well, I hope you too think of me as a joyful and positive person. It’s something I have strived for. To be a smiling face and light up someones day or bring joy to it. After all, I feel that’s only fitting since it’s in my name 🙂

Today I encourage you to choose or even make joy. If you are having a rough day, do something for yourself. If you are having a good day, reach out to someone you know and remind them of how special they are to you.

If we can bring joy to our lives and others, I believe the world would be a better place.

Today, I hope you will choose joy.

Daily reminders for me to choose joy– on my wall, in my agenda and as a bracelet (from The Traveling Penny)



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