My top 10 T.J. Maxx dorm room finds


Hello everyone!

Today I have a different post in that the majority of it is a video. I am settled back at home and noticed while unpacking I had a LOT from T.J. Maxx. While shopping for my dorm room freshman year I visited T.J. Maxx probably once a week. I just found that they had a wide selection of things I needed and of course had great prices. Over the past two years I’ve collected quite a hall and thought I would round up my top dorm room finds. I decided to film a video because I thought it would give everyone a better perspective on the finds. You can see the items better in the video than a picture would show.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video! I’m not one for being in front of a camera but I did have fun filming this. Have you had any amazing T.J. Maxx finds? Let me know in the comments!



One thought on “My top 10 T.J. Maxx dorm room finds

  1. Love this!!! So many cute finds at T.J. Maxx! My favorite finds are their adorable notebooks!

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