The truth about blogging for a year


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Last year I posted 42 blogs—yeah, I’m shocked by it, too.

I tried to have a blog post live every week and, for the most part, I did a great job. Obviously I was 10 short but I am happy of my consistency and quality. I’m honestly proud of the content I produced.

However, the truth about blogging for a year is that it’s hard.

Having to create content weekly, take photos, promote it on social media, plan out posts, etc. was tough. The amount of times I would be sitting at my desk job trying to write a post to publish in an hour was becoming a weekly ideal.

It’s not to say I didn’t love it. I loved writing, reviewing products, coming up with cool ideas and more. But creating is not for the weak!

I write this post after not posting a blog in almost 2 months (so much for my NYR right?) but am hoping to begin weekly posts starting right now!

I already have 6 posts in mind and a few already in drafts. I’m excited for another year of blogging and producing content.

Be on the lookout for new posts most Mondays.

I can’t wait to continue my blogging journey.





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