New year, new resolutions


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I’m writing to you from my childhood home. I have a candle burning and my doggy snuggled up beside me.

Man, it feels good to be home for the holidays.

Christmas is over but the new year is here! Today marks day 1 of 365. We have 365 new days and 365 new chances.

I actually love the promise of the new year. It can give anyone a fresh start whether it be on relationships, a habit, a promise, etc.

I think setting New Year’s Resolutions is the best way to do that, too. Like I said in my 2017 New Year’s Resolutions post, I’ve been making resolutions since 2013. They help me make goals for the year and I like to see how well I stick to them.

Here are my resolutions for 2018.

  1. Get a cool internship
    I want to get an internship this summer. My ultimate goal would be for someplace or someone cool. When I tell someone about my summer plans the key words I want to hear are, “Oh, that’s cool!” This leaves me a wide range of internships but I really want to challenge myself this summer.
  2. Be ready for bikini season
    This could also be the “get fit” resolution that always appears on my list. Ultimately my short-term goal is to be confident on a cruise I’m going on in July. I worked a lot of healthy eating this year and hope to continue that better than ever in the new year. Today starts back my “diet”. I saw great change last time so I am heading into the new year more confident than ever.
  3. Don’t be afraid to spread my wings
    Cliche? Maybe. But this is something I’ve noticed about myself. I do what is comfortable for me. I want to branch out to new things, new places and adventures. This is the time in my life that I’m able to spread my wings before I start a full-time career. So, why not?
  4. Make real efforts
    I’ve noticed I have many friends always say we need to catch up or grab lunch but we never do. I had one experience where a friend and I did follow through with our loose promise to grab coffee and it was great. We had a great time catching up on life. I want to make real efforts this year with my relationships. I want to be intentional about them and grow in relationships with my parents, friends and more.
  5. Grow social media presence
    You may see me more on Twitter and Instagram. I really want to grow my following in hopes that my blog will grow more. I love the way social media allows you to express yourself so I really want this to be the year of content for me. This may be a weird resolution but it is something I want to continually work on.

I think that’s my favorite part about resolutions. They don’t have to be done immediately but they should be worked on throughout the year. By the end of 2018 I hope to look back pleased with my year and resolutions.

Do you have any resolutions this year? Maybe you just set some personal goals? I would love to hear about them. We can keep each other accountable and maybe make 2018 the best year yet.

I can’t wait to grow this blog in 2018 and I have some fun content coming up in January! Stay tuned…


P.S. Did you see I did Vlogmas? It was so much fun to do a second year in a row. I do this to beat post-holiday sadness and so far it’s worked again. You can catch up on the five episodes here.


One thought on “New year, new resolutions

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